(note: this news item will be updated through Summer 2022)
- Indirect COVID-19 Health Effects and Potential Mitigating Interventions: Cost-Effectiveness Framework — Tracy Lin, PhD, July 18, 2022
- The Future of Behavioral Health: Harnessing the Potential of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners — Ulrike Muench, PhD, RN, FAAN, July 29, 2022
- Patricia Benner, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor emerita in Social and Behavioral Sciences, received an honorary doctorate (Doctorem Scientiae) from McGill University in Canada on May 26. Honorary doctorates are bestowed upon those who have shown exceptional dedication to improving the lives of others. In addition, Benner delivered a keynote address, "Using Interpretive Phenomenology to Describe Expert Thinking-in-Action and Skilled Know-How in Nursing," at the International Human Sciences Conference at Pace University in New York on June 14. On Sept. 30, Benner is scheduled to present at the National League for Nursing Summit during the plenary session “Making New Graduates More Practice Ready.”
- Nursing Home Financial Transparency and Accountability Are Needed to Assure Minimum Staffing Levels — Elizabeth Halifax, PhD, RN, Charlene Harrington, PhD, RN, FAAN, June 20, 2022
- Climate Change, Public Health, Health Policy and Nurses Training — Orlando Harris, PhD, MPH, FNP, Stella Bialous, DrPH, RN, FAAN, Ulrike Muench, PhD, RN, FAAN, Susan Chapman, PhD, RN, MPH, Carol Dawson-Rose, PhD, RN, FAAN
- Big Tobacco’s Toxic Waste Dodge — Stella Bialous, DrPH, RN, FAAN, June 7, 2022
- Tobacco Control and the Climate Emergency — Ruth Malone, PhD, RN, FAAN, May 1, 2022
- Changes in U.S. Clinician Waivers to Prescribe Buprenorphine Management for Opioid Use Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic and After Relaxation of Training Requirements — Joanne Spetz, PhD, FAAN, Caryl Gay, PhD, Matthew Tierney, MS, NP, FAAN, Bethany Phoenix, PhD, RN, FAAN, Susan Chapman, PhD, RN, FAAN, May 2, 2022
- Tobacco Control and the Climate Emergency — Ruth Malone, PhD, RN, FAAN, May 2022
- Charlene Harrington, PhD, RN, FAAN, was among the experts quoted in the April 13, 2022 article “Nursing Home Pay Rule Reveals CMS Strategy on Minimum Staffing” in McKnight’s Long-Term Care News.
- Differences in Hospitals’ Workplace Violence Incident Reporting Practices: A Mixed Methods Study — Rachel Odes, PhD, RN, Susan Chapman, PhD, MPH, RN, Sara Ackerman, PhD, MPH, Oi Saeng Hong, PhD, RN, FAAN, March 23, 2022
- Stella Aguinaga Bialous, DrPH, RN, FAAN, professor in Social and Behavioral Sciences, delivered a plenary session at the 2022 International Conference on Cancer Nursing on Feb. 23. In the session “Getting it Right for all Through Health Policy,” she spoke about the impact of nurses’ engagement on tobacco control policy in reducing health disparities. In addition, on Feb. 25, Bialous co-presented an instructional session titled “A Road Map for Developing Health Policy.”
- Financial and Quality Metrics of a Large, Publicly-Traded U.S. Nursing Home Chain in the Age of COVID-19 — Charlene Harrington, PhD, RN, FAAN, Feb. 4, 2022
- Staffing Levels and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths in Korean Nursing Homes — Charlene Harrington, PhD, RN, FAAN, Dec. 23, 2021
- Editorial: "Growth of a Movement": 30 Years On — Ruth Malone, PhD, RN, FAAN, Jan. 1, 2022
- Charlene Harrington, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor emerita in Social and Behavioral Sciences, was quoted in The Seattle Medium’s Dec. 16, 2021 article “After ‘Truly Appalling’ Death Toll In Nursing Homes, California Rethinks Their Funding.”
- The Association of Cannabis Use and Cigarette Smoking with Psychological Distress Among Adults in California — Tingting Yao, PhD, Hai-Yen Sung, PhD, Wendy Max, PhD, Nov. 10, 2021
- Charlene Harrington, PhD, RN, FAAN, was quoted in an Oct. 25, 2021 California Healthline article “3 States Limit Nursing Home Profits in Bid to Improve Care.”
- Stella Bialous, DrPH, RN, FAAN, professor in Social and Behavioral Sciences, received $734,496 in year 1 funding from the National Cancer Institute for her project, “Integrating Tobacco Use Cessation Into Family AIDS Care and Education Services (FACES) in Kisumu, Kenya.”
- Evaluation of Clinical and Economic Outcomes Following Implementation of a Medicare Pay-for-Performance Program for Surgical Procedures — Kyung Mi Kim, PhD, Wendy Max, PhD, Susan Chapman, PhD, RN, FAAN, Ulrike Muench, PhD, RN, FAAN, Aug. 18, 2021
- Charlene Harrington, PhD, RN, FAAN, was quoted in Time Magazine’s Sept. 2, 2021 article “Nursing Home COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Protect the Most Vulnerable, But Pose a Hidden Threat to Residents” and The Hill’s Sept. 4, 2021 article “Nursing Homes Warn Vaccine Mandate Could Lead to Staff Shortages.”
- Building an Advocacy Model to Improve the Dementia-Capability of Health Plans in California — Brooke Hollister, PhD, Jarmin Yeh, PHD, MPH, MSSW, Leslie Ross, PhD, Sept. 2, 2021
- Pain Treatment and Functional Improvement in Home Health Care: Relationship With Dementia — Ulrike Muench, PhD, RN, FAAN, Aug. 21, 2021