*note: this post will be updated through August 2020
Charlene Harrington, PhD, RN, FAAN, was quoted in the Aug. 17 NHPR article “One N.H. Nursing Home Has Been Battling COVID-19 Since May. It Was on Watchdogs’ Radar Long Before.”
Charlene Harrington, was quoted in the July 24 Mercury News article “Data Shows 70% of Contra Costa’s COVID-19 Deaths From Nursing Homes.”
Charlene Harrington, was quoted in the June 26 NPR KUOW piece “Why Were Some Nursing Homes Spared the Devastation of COVID-19? Depends Who You Ask.”
Charlene Harrington continued to provide her expertise on the impact of the pandemic on nursing homes. She was quoted in the June 23 San Francisco Chronicle article “Coronavirus deaths at nursing homes like San Miguel in Concord driven by poor oversight” and in the June 24 SFist article “Concord Nursing Home Outbreak Claims 15 Lives and Counting, Including One Staff Member.”