With a grant from the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, HCCI and the National Academy for State Health Policy launched the State Health Policy Grant Program to support five research projects analyzing how states are implementing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and other reforms to improve their health care systems. The research will help identify the most effective ways to improve health care quality and lower costs. Each research team will receive a grant of up to $150,000 and will have access to HCCI’s repository of commercial claims data for over 50 million insured Americans – one of the largest private health insurance claims databases of its kind.
University of California, San Francisco (PI: Dr. Ulrike Muench): "The Effect of State Scope of Practice Laws on Pharmaceutical Utilization"
- Non-physician providers, in particular nurse practitioners (NPs), are an important component to implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and integral to the delivery of primary care services. Recent research suggests that state scope-of-practice laws are an important workforce policy tool, and restrictive scope-of-practice regulations are associated with lower access to care. This study examines the effect of scope-of-practice laws on pharmaceutical utilization and associated costs of care.
Read more about the HCCI and NASHP State Health Policy Grant recipients...