
Any class offered at UCSF or our partner schools can be taken as an elective after talking to your advisor.

There are several places to check to see the availibility of courses:

  • Our department (SBS) keeps a list of the classes that we are offering; many of the approved minor courses are taught by SBS faculty and can be found at this page.  These courses all begin with an 'S'.
  • All the courses on offer at UCSF are listed in the Course Catalog
  • To check what courses are actually being offered in any given quarter visit the Registrar's schedule of classes.
  • Finally,  if you want to take an elective at another school, you can check into the Stanford Exchange program, the SF Consortium, and the Intercampus Exchange program.

Some of the Health Policy alumni have made elective recommendations based on their positive experience:


Global Health and Aging
Global Comparative Healthcare Systems
Introduction to global health in global health
Disease of Global Importance
Symbolic Interactionisms/Contemporary Sociological Theory
A seminar on Science and Technology Studies
N260J Global Health: Issues in Women’s Health
N260K Global Health: Issues in Non-Communicable Diseases
PEDS 223
Legal Medicine
any of the global health electives
'High Value Care' - offered through the medical school

'Microeconomics of healthcare policy analysis' at UC Berkeley

at Stanford:
Youth, law and policy
LAW348 Health Law: Finance and Insurance
PEDS223 Human Rights and Global Health

Pedagogy/Teaching Methods at UC Davis (this was a hybrid part online, part via Skype course)